Hey leaders, we're thrilled you're here!

We have a range of tools that we'd love to share with you to help improve they way you interact with, and influence others - individuals, teams, organisations and even your families.

Learn amazing insights into how people behave in a range of situations and understand why people do what they do.

With powerful evidence-based programs, you'll have contemporary strategies to show up as your best self and rock your leadership role.

We'll share loads of frameworks that we've gathered over decades of leadership experiences and spent tens of thousands of dollars learning.

Linda and Nicole

As the Co-CEOs of LeaderLab Global, we're on a mission to amplify humanity in leadership. We draw on our combined 40 years of leadership experience and more than a decade studying the codes and patterns of human behaviour to help leaders get the best out of their people/teams.

The road to leadership success is in understanding self and others - how we communicate, connect and collaborate with character.

We work with leaders and teams spanning 10 countries to build their level of psychological safety, emotional intelligence, resilience at work, compassionate candour, and to consciously show up for each other in the most resourceful and accountable way.


Together, Linda and Nicole have a range of accreditations including:

Extended DISC®

Extended DISC® behaviour profile assessments are based on concepts of human behaviour from well renowned psychologists and behavioural theorists.


FinxS® is a groundbreaking online assessment platform. Get to the bottom of people problems quickly and confidently, with an extensive suite of workplace tools, available from one online platform.

Meta Dynamix

Meta Dynamics™ Profiling Tool is a 4-archetype and 16-dimension assessment that benchmarks an individual’s thinking style in the professional context. The 4 archetypes are Visionary, Architect, Dynamo and Collaborator.

International Coach Guild

The International Coach Guild leading industry standards to bring elite coaching schools and members together under one laurel of excellence.

Kay J, VIC

LeaderLab programs have amped up my leadership skills. I now have a suite of super practical strategies and I am so much more self-aware which has improved my relationships at work (and even at home). Amazing!

Peter T, TAS

This program has been incredibly helpful in becoming more self aware which has made it so much easier to understand and appreciate others.

Jim K, NSW

I hadn't reallised just how helpful this could be to the way I lead my team. I wish I'd learnt it years ago as it would have made leading my teams much easier.